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Forgiven... But Not Free

Writer's picture: Amy TaylorAmy Taylor

I’ve written a novel, as most of you know, but I’ve talked little about its message.

One reason is because agents and editors encourage writers to keep their book writing to themselves; the process is long with no guarantee your book will ever get published and placed in the hands of readers. Not to mention, once an editor gets ahold of it, the story may take on a whole new look.

I obviously didn’t adhere to the advice of keeping it to myself. A major shift took place; I left a job I loved and children I loved even more to pursue a dream that came out of the blue—straight from God’s hands. How could I not share this news?

Another reason I haven’t talked about the message of my book is because I wasn’t conscious of it—not after the first draft, or the second, or the third. Somewhere in my final revisions, God’s theme for the novel went from broad to narrow, and I heard His message loud and clear. It gave me goosebumps and still does.

My novel is a story of a woman’s journey of hope, freedom, miracles, and healing. It’s my life story mixed with the life stories of other women I’ve known mixed with divine inspiration.

It’s a story of being FORGIVEN but not FREE.

Lynn Peterson, my protagonist, is tormented by a sin she committed nearly two decades earlier—a sin she believes is unforgivable.

That’s my story.

When I was sixteen, I became pregnant, and secretly (isn’t that how most sins take place?) traveled to Boulder and aborted my child.

Until that day, I sat in my bedroom with the door closed holding a plastic doll (I’m embarrassed to admit that, but I did) while I wrote out every item I felt a baby needed, what I thought each item would cost and how often I’d have to buy those items. Terrified to tell anyone else about my pregnancy, I wondered if I could somehow run away and take care of a baby on my own.

Fear dominated my perception and became the fuel that drove me to the abortion clinic.

Thank the Lord, that’s not the end of the story. What the enemy intended for harm, God intended for good, “to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” (Genesis 50:20)

To be continued...

Please check back tomorrow for the continuation. I don’t want you to miss how God moves us from living in bondage to living FORGIVEN and FREE.


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